Well, I am using an Alienware laptop for my main development. I an really not too sure if it is set up write as the fps has never been great. Trying to get hold of drivers for this is hard and although it has 2 SLI'd graphics cards only one ever seems to get used.
Playing Starwars online only ever gave me 10 fps at best until I upgraded the bios, however the damm laptop kept resetting the graphics driver back to the original reducing the the fps back down to 10 fps. Highly frustrating to say the least, especially when I was getting up to 60 fps on a good day.
In the end I gave flashing the bios every couple of days to get the GPUs to work properly so now it using a single GPU and when testing DirectX 11 examples I get an astonishing 3.5 fps on basic scenes. Not what I would call exactly fast.
So this means that I really need to think about what I can do with what I have. Direct X 10 appears to work much better and I maybe able to upgrade to 11 at a later stage.
Dissapointing to say the least but I need a stable system to work with and a reasonable speed. This is one of the problems of being out of work, no income and no cash to spend on anything to improve yourself. Ho hum...
So.... DirectX 10 - here we go!
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