Tuesday 9 October 2012

Some more thoughts...

One of the nice things about this blog, is that so far it is private. No search engines have yet picked it up and there are no followers unlike my other blog with the Gixer.

So, after much deliberation I have finally decided to re-write everything with regards to the engine. It will now be all that it can be. So multi platform and multi driver support.

This means that I will hopefully be able to support Linux, Windows, XBox and Macs. Drivers will include DX9, DX10, DX11, and OpenGL. This will mean a lot of decoupling but I think it will be worth the effort.

I will also be able to utilise both 32 and 64 bit versions and also support Unicode.

Code will be a mixture of C and C++ both to the ANSI standard. As it wont be an Open Source project, well I don't think so, I can use my own namespaces etc without needing to make everything configurable. Perhaps this is a bad move, but I really do like namespaces and keeps much of the code segmented and helps to make it more self documenting.

So the plot thickens and I have a made a good start! It will be fun getting it to work on an XBox, thats for sure. Parallel GPU programming will be most interesting to say the least!

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